Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DNA in the News

An Oklahoma man recently made the news because he is still required to pay child support even though genetic testing proved that he was not the father of the child. In Oklahoma, paternity can no longer be contested after the child turns two years old, and the child in question was already five.

Laws vary by state. Georgia passed a law in 2002 allowing men to end child support payments if DNA testing proved they were not the father. Since then, courts there have not only allowed men to end their child support responsibilities, but also required women to repay child support they have received.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Watson, co-discoverer of the DNA helix, has recent African roots

James Watson, famous DNA pioneer, was found, in a genetic test, to share approximately 16% of his genes with his African ancestors. A percentage this high is typically seen only in people with an African greatgrandparent.

The news is of particular interest because Watson drew widespread condemnation in late 2007 after making racist comments about the inferior intelligence of Africans. Specifically statingthat he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really." The backlash created from Watson’s comments resulted in his resignation as chancellor of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York state after 39 years.

Mr. Watson is not alone in getting surprising results from an ethnicity test. Many people have ancestry that they are not aware of.

Hopefully, these test results will serve as a reminder to Watson and others that all humans came out of Africa originally, and despite perceived differences, we are far more alike than different. Ethnicity DNA testing, in addition to being a fun way to learn more about your ancestry, may also serve to increase understanding of just how interconnected we are as a human race. As testing becomes more common, people will hopefully begin to abandon the false notion that there are extreme genetic differences between people of different races.

The fact is that the genetic difference between two individuals of the same race can be greater than those between individuals of different races.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

DNA Detective Work : Discretely Resolve Relationship Questions

Thanks to CSI, many people are aware that DNA can be extracted from many samples other than swabs or blood. DNA testing clients use this technology to resolve questions of parentage when discretion is required. DNA is the same in any cell in the body that has a nucleus. So as long as a submitted sample has several intact cells, DNA testing can be performed.

Samples that DNA can be extracted from include:

· Dental floss or toothbrush
· Licked stamps or envelopes
· Hair with roots
· Cigarette butts
· Unwashed undergarments
· Cup or bottle
· Chewed gum
· Teeth
· Ear swab
· Used tissue

Genelex is a market leader in this testing and our success rate is very high. In delicate situations, DNA detective work can discretely resolve relationship questions and provide peace of mind.
To find out more, visit

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Celiac Disease Underdiagnosed

Approximately 90% of Celiac Disease cases go Undetected even though it affects 1 in 100 Americans.

Celiac Disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is a disorder affecting 1 in 100 Americans. A toxic reaction to gluten (found in barley, wheat, and rye) damages the surface of the small
intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Due to the exceptionally wide range of difficult to interpret symptoms, 90% of Celiac Disease sufferers are not diagnosed.

Early diagnosis and lifelong treatment with a gluten-free diet is critical for both symptom relief and reducing the risk of developing long-term conditions such as diabetes or GI cancer.

According to a recent NIH study, a typical patient currently endures 11 years of symptoms before an accurate diagnosis is found. Since the traditional approach requires blood tests, small intestine biopsies and six months on a gluten-free diet before confirmed diagnosis, many prefer
Celiac Disease DNA Testing.

Celiac Disease DNA testing is not used to diagnose celiac disease, but can quickly, accurately, and painlessly exclude the diagnosis as you must have certain genetic markers in order to develop Celiac disease. A negative results means that you are not at risk of developing Celiac
disease. A positive result in addition to clinical symptoms indicates the need for referral to a gastroenterologist.

If you are concerned that you may have Celiac Disease, visit for more information or call 800-837-8362 to order your Celiac Disease DNA test.